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Weight Loss Success Story

You can lose weight while eating carbohydrates, fat, and protein without buying a single thing extra...

Weight loss success stories are usually connected with an advertisement for a pill, a specific book, or the newest fad diet. The truth is, all weight loss success have one thing in common: 100% of these people burned more calories than they ate. Ever since the Big Bang, the physical law of Thermodynamics has had a hand in every single lb of body weight gained or lost. Weight loss in its purest form is as simple as calories in vs. calories out. However, we have to get to the underlying causes of the weight gain, or every weight loss success story will be very short lived. There are numerous reasons that we overeat and do less work. We can find these reasons all around us.

My weight loss success story begins on a balconyoverlooking Indian Creek, in Overland Park, KS. I remember the exactmoment when I decided to change my life. Itwas 6 January 2001 at about 6:30 a.m. Iwas standing out on my balcony, which overlooks a beautiful fitness trail. In one hand was a Marlboro, in the other was a water glass full ofAbsolut vodka with a splash of cranberry juice. This was my normal morning routine. Ican’t remember exactly what I was wearing, but I’d guess it was a pair ofshorts and maybe a tank top. Ilooked over to my left and saw another man standing on his balcony. He was a large man, maybe 240 lbs at 6’ or so. I saw smoke rising from one hand and steam rising from his coffee in theother. I remember thinking that helooked pathetic standing there… Thenthat feeling hit me in the gut like a freight train. You know the feeling you get when you are dreaming you walk out of thehose naked? That was the feeling. I was standing there at 6:30 in the morning, drinking a huge mixed drink,smoking a cigarette where everybody could see me. I was totally exposed to the world. Everysingle weakness in my life was on display, All 235 lbs of me. I was more pathetic than the man across the way. At least he was drinking coffee! Mydecision was made right then and there. Ithrew my drink over the edge, finished my smoke and kissed my old life goodbye.

Body for Life

My weight loss success story begins with Body forLife. I’d like to start by sayingthat I am not a big fan of Bill Phillips, EAS, or Body for Life, or any othercanned program. There is no ONEprogram for everyone. But BFL isbacked in science, and simply has to work, if carefully followed. I’ll talk more about the details of BFL in another article. I started a BFL program as soon as I possibly could. I re-arranged my schedule, planned my workouts, planned my meals, and gota physical examination. I dideverything I knew to do to ensure my success. I began the BFL program at 235 lbs@31% body fat. My doctor had told me that my LDLs were too high, my HDLs were too low,and my blood sugar profile indicated borderline Type II Diabetes. My blood pressure was 200 over 100 and my pulse rate was, I believe,around 90. The doctor startedwriting prescriptions. I stopped herand told her I’d take care of this myself with an exercise and nutritionprogram. She was very concerned, soI agreed to see her monthly for checkups. Ialso agreed to see an endocrinologist.

The Gym Rat

I did my first workout soon after my physical examination. I felt very awkward in the gym. Ididn’t belong there. Nobodyacknowledged my presence, nobody spoke to me, and very few even made eyecontact. Of course now I know why. It was the beginning of the year. Allof the regulars knew that most of the new comers would be gone in a coupleweeks. All of the new comers werefeeling the same way I did. I didnot let it get to me. I did theworkout I had planned, hit the hot-tub for some much needed relaxation, wenthome and had my last meal of the day.


It’simportant to understand the gym mentality. Veryfew people in the gym are there to socialize. The ones who are, you do not want to be around. The gym is a place of work. Youwill form relationships in time. Youjust have to be there, week in and week out. If you cannot stand to workout alone, hire a Personal Fitness Trainer. If you need someone to help youunderstand this mentality, please feel free to email or YM me.

Cardio in the COLD!

No weight loss success story would be completewithout an expository of cardio training. Ihave to admit that I hate cardio training. Ifthere were a way that I could purchase cardio-in-a-can I would buy it in asecond. I especially hatetreadmills, indoor bicycles, elliptical trainers, or anything else where I getNOWHERE! I did all of my cardiotraining on the fitness trail behind my apartment. It is cold in Kansas in January. I did my cardio in themornings before work. I alternatedbetween runs and the bicycle, depending on how much time I had available. I can burn enough calories in twenty minutes running, but it takes me alittle longer on the bike. Everytime I wanted to stay in bed, or wanted to stay warm, or to stop running fiveminutes early, I thought back to the morning of 6 January. As I ran on the fitness trail I passed the balcony I stood on thatmorning. I could also see the glasswhich held my last glass of vodka. Itwas still on the ground where I threw it.


YouMUST have a strong enough reason, a WHY if you wish, to motivate you. Mine was pride, but yours may be different. Your “why” must be so strong that there is no way you will quit! It has to be so strong that you would rather die than miss your goal. If you can’t think of a “why” then you might as well go have apizza. You will not changeanything, for any length of time without a strong reason.

The BFL Yahoo Club

Around the end of January I found the now defunct “Bodyfor Life Club” on Yahoo clubs. Thisclub was filled with good people with whom I formed immediate and lastingrelationships. In fact, I met mywife, Amy, in the BFL club. I knewvery little when I came to this group. Ithought I knew a lot. The truthbecame apparent very quickly. Icontinued with my workouts and diet plan, and learned everything I could aboutfitness, exercise, nutrition, and supplementation. I read book after book, article after article. I read everything I could find about fitness. Some of it made perfect sense. Mostof it sounded like BS. Looking back,most of it WAS BS! One of the nicethings about the BFL club was having a huge group of people to ask questions. I got a lot of conflicting information, but I found the consensus Ineeded to sort it out. The most importantfacet of this club was the support. There were, and continue to be, a lotof opportunities to fail. For every opportunity to fail you will have adozen people giving you permission to fail. Well meaning loved ones willtell you that it's alright to skip a few workouts. Your friends will tellyou that you've earned a few doughnuts. Even your doctor will excuse you,telling you that you are fighting a losing battle. I've heard all of this,and it's all BS! These groups are very supportive. They help keepyou honest.

Your Instruction Manual

The instruction book for myweight loss success story is not for sale. In fact, you already haveit. This web site is the culmination of everything I did. In thesepages you will find every technique, every recipe, and every tip that I have tooffer. Please do not hesitate to email or YM me if you have questions,concerns, or need some personal advice. I promise you that we are sellingnothing here. Your fitness and success is important to me. Let's getstarted on your weight loss success story.

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